Who is this guy?

I’m Charlie. I’m just a typical, middle-aged family man dealing with middle-aged life stuff. I started struggling with Anxiety in 2008 and have mostly kept the monster at bay, with just a few flare ups. What I’ve learned is that I’ve been suppressing a lot of things from my past combined with aging & midlife which surfaces as anxiety, fear, control issues, etc. I’ve kept it down and buried because I didn’t feel like I had the agency or support to be vulnerable. This is my journey through this, what works for me, what doesn’t, and what tools I’m developing to address the core of the issues. I started this site because the few islands of internet hope that I’ve found has helped me and I want there to be more of that. The more that I have been working through these issues the more I’ve learned that there are A LOT of other men going through something very similar. I welcome you to come along on my journey.